Media Exposures
[CN Dreams]
캘거리 서래사 개원식및 점안 법회 열려 (2006-05-10)
캘거리 서래사, 부처님 오신날 봉축 법요식 가져 (2006-06-13)
캘거리 서래사, 탱화 점안식 열려 (2006-08-16)
캘거리 서래사 신년 대법회 가져 (2008-02-29)
캘거리 서래사 개원 기념 대법회 봉행 (2008-04-25)
캘거리 서래사 석가탄신일 연등법회 열려 (2008-05-09)
캘거리 서래사 석가탄신일 기념 대법회 열려 (2009-05-01)
캘거리 서래사 성산 큰스님 친견특별 법회 가져 (2009-07-30)
케네디언 스님이 한국전통 불교 강의 (2009-08-06)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신 날 대법회 열려 (2010-05-13)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신 날 대법회 열려 (2011-05-13)
캘거리 서래사 태응 큰스님 초청 대법회 가져 (2011-12-19)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신 날 대법회 열려 (2012-06-01)
2013년 캘거리 서래사 태응 큰스님 초청 대법회 가져 (2013-07-12)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신날 법회 열려 (2016-05-20)
캘거리 서래사 개원식및 점안 법회 열려 (2006-05-10)
캘거리 서래사, 부처님 오신날 봉축 법요식 가져 (2006-06-13)
캘거리 서래사, 탱화 점안식 열려 (2006-08-16)
캘거리 서래사 신년 대법회 가져 (2008-02-29)
캘거리 서래사 개원 기념 대법회 봉행 (2008-04-25)
캘거리 서래사 석가탄신일 연등법회 열려 (2008-05-09)
캘거리 서래사 석가탄신일 기념 대법회 열려 (2009-05-01)
캘거리 서래사 성산 큰스님 친견특별 법회 가져 (2009-07-30)
케네디언 스님이 한국전통 불교 강의 (2009-08-06)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신 날 대법회 열려 (2010-05-13)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신 날 대법회 열려 (2011-05-13)
캘거리 서래사 태응 큰스님 초청 대법회 가져 (2011-12-19)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신 날 대법회 열려 (2012-06-01)
2013년 캘거리 서래사 태응 큰스님 초청 대법회 가져 (2013-07-12)
캘거리 서래사 부처님 오신날 법회 열려 (2016-05-20)
Video Link
- Dharma Talk given by the founder, ven. Taeung snim (2013)
- Abbot, ven. Sungsan Soyeon snim's chanting Namoamitabha (with Ven. Hyun-Eung snim) (2016)
- Dharma Talk given by the Vice Abbot, ven. Bo-Il Jaeun snim (2012)
- Buddha's Birthday Celebration Ceremony, performed by Soomi Hwang & Banyahaeng (2012)
- MBC 스페셜, 출가 후 십년 [보일 자은스님 출연] (링크 복원중입니다)
[NEW] Calgary Seoraesa Buddhist Temple Official YouTube Channel - GO!
- Abbot, ven. Sungsan Soyeon snim's chanting Namoamitabha (with Ven. Hyun-Eung snim) (2016)
- Dharma Talk given by the Vice Abbot, ven. Bo-Il Jaeun snim (2012)
- Buddha's Birthday Celebration Ceremony, performed by Soomi Hwang & Banyahaeng (2012)
- MBC 스페셜, 출가 후 십년 [보일 자은스님 출연] (링크 복원중입니다)
[NEW] Calgary Seoraesa Buddhist Temple Official YouTube Channel - GO!
- Regular Buddhist Service: Buddhist services are performed at biweekly gatherings lead by the Abbot, Vice Abbot or Minister and are attended by all members and open to non-members. The religious services include prayer, chanting and recitation of sacred texts and/or names of Buddhas/mantras, and meditation, followed by teachings. All of these activities are performed for the purpose of promoting compassion, peace and love for all living beings in the world.
- Meditation Group: CSBT open for the meditation sessions every Sunday, on 7:30 pm guided by our Vice Abbot Ven. Bo-Il Jaeun snim since 2010.
- Other Charity Activities:
a. Newcomers & new member assistance: CSBT has been helping newcomers to Canada through introductions and peer support for accessing services and understanding Canadian culture and values. The SBT chairperson Mr. Kyung Hee Lee has been leading this service with help of other community members.
b. Death care & memorial services: CSBT provides supportive spiritual and religious services at end of life, for funerals and for memorial services, as well as individual care and grief support to families who have experienced loss. All of these activities are strictly not for profit and no individual derives financial gain through them. Individuals and families coping with suffering through any life stage are offered care and support based on Buddhist teachings and principles.
c. Senior care: CSBT has been helping seniors living alone to support basic needs for life and health. Many CSBT members help our elderly members regularly with physical, spiritual and emotional support to enhance their quality of life and welfare.
d. Children's classes: Supporting children’s spiritual health and wellness is another important part of CSBT's Samgha services. The fundamentals of Buddhism are taught, along with the Six Perfections, to provide a foundation for a Buddhist way of life within the complex and multicultural environment in Canada. We endeavor to assist children with bridging the cultural gap which sometimes presents challenges for immigrants and their Canadian born children.
- External Charity Activities: CSBT has joined many other external charity acitivites, and will be more part of local charity activities and efforts in Canada.
a. Food donation: SBT has collected donations for the Calgary Food Bank in the past and would like to continue with this endeavor as part of the practice of generosity. SBT provides a free lunch to anyone who participates in our regular bimonthly services.
b. Joining Other Charity Organizations: As part of our commitment to the practice of generosity, several times SBT joined campaigns of First Step, an organization providing food to starving North Korean children. In the future, SBT would like to contribute to more activities and events for helping people through kindness and compassion, to work with other non-profit & charity organization in Canada whose principles align with our own and within the confines of our constitution and charitable purpose.
- Meditation Group: CSBT open for the meditation sessions every Sunday, on 7:30 pm guided by our Vice Abbot Ven. Bo-Il Jaeun snim since 2010.
- Other Charity Activities:
a. Newcomers & new member assistance: CSBT has been helping newcomers to Canada through introductions and peer support for accessing services and understanding Canadian culture and values. The SBT chairperson Mr. Kyung Hee Lee has been leading this service with help of other community members.
b. Death care & memorial services: CSBT provides supportive spiritual and religious services at end of life, for funerals and for memorial services, as well as individual care and grief support to families who have experienced loss. All of these activities are strictly not for profit and no individual derives financial gain through them. Individuals and families coping with suffering through any life stage are offered care and support based on Buddhist teachings and principles.
c. Senior care: CSBT has been helping seniors living alone to support basic needs for life and health. Many CSBT members help our elderly members regularly with physical, spiritual and emotional support to enhance their quality of life and welfare.
d. Children's classes: Supporting children’s spiritual health and wellness is another important part of CSBT's Samgha services. The fundamentals of Buddhism are taught, along with the Six Perfections, to provide a foundation for a Buddhist way of life within the complex and multicultural environment in Canada. We endeavor to assist children with bridging the cultural gap which sometimes presents challenges for immigrants and their Canadian born children.
- External Charity Activities: CSBT has joined many other external charity acitivites, and will be more part of local charity activities and efforts in Canada.
a. Food donation: SBT has collected donations for the Calgary Food Bank in the past and would like to continue with this endeavor as part of the practice of generosity. SBT provides a free lunch to anyone who participates in our regular bimonthly services.
b. Joining Other Charity Organizations: As part of our commitment to the practice of generosity, several times SBT joined campaigns of First Step, an organization providing food to starving North Korean children. In the future, SBT would like to contribute to more activities and events for helping people through kindness and compassion, to work with other non-profit & charity organization in Canada whose principles align with our own and within the confines of our constitution and charitable purpose.
: News Paper AD Design Provided by (광고 디자인) - CN Dream Korean Weekly Newspaper